Saturday, January 15, 2005

Spontaneous Women

Just this past week I was invited ona spontaneous girls weekend. I thought to myself, wow no parents pretty cool. But what I forgot was work. So decided to decline. Not knowing what I was missing. But I have been to Austin several times. So I was sure what I would miss. Other than the possible time to relax maybe have a little fun and not have to work. Maybe next time, I thought to myself.
As for the rest of my weekend, may it go smooth without any glitches.Yeah, right! I have already had one glitch that would be working two days of the weekend. not much of a weekend. BUt in the big world you really are not going to have much of weekend unless you are a TEACHER or something to that effect. Do they really have weekends? I am not quite sure. I hope that they have more of a weekend than I do. Maybe that is why they have spontaneous weekends.
While you guys who are spontaneous are either sleeping or getting ready or working. I am sitting in my dad's business being bored and wanting to sleep but really can't because I have to be up here. When I leave here I have to go to my real job and be bored there. I really have learned to accept that no matter what job I have. I probably am bound to be bored so I just learn to pretend that I enjoy a job even when I don't. Now my job M's is rather permanent right now. I am really learning to enjoy it. I am learning new and exciting things each day I go into work. Hopefully securing my job everyday I show up to work and actually work.
What is the point of spontaneousness? I wish someone would tell me. I would just rather be able to embark on the extravaganza than to not embark. But for those of you that are spontaneous I feliciate you guys.

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