Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Defintion of Stress

i think i am going to write in regards to what T said on her blog. Something about stress. This is what I found out stress was. It is a mental or emotional disruption. An upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression. Now according to T's definition of stress I didn't think I had any. But as a matter of fact I do have stress and it does take it's toll on my life. Many of you know what it is like to grow up in a dysfunctional family and my family wasn't too bad it was about normal. But some days it sure seemed like it wasn't. In life I think that stress is going to be a normal everyday thing that is just going to occur whether or not we want it to. All we have to do is to vent our stress whether it be through prayer or talking with our friends or family or even exercise. I am not one to want to talk to anyone about my stress so as I do everyday I would rather speak with GOD. Some day I will enivitably talk to someone besides god about the stress that I have built up inside of my soul.
Why would I even talk about stress I don't know But in a way I think it kind of helped my day to do go a long a little smoother. Do not ask me how in the world did she do that because only God knows. If anyone of you girls or men that read thid do not have any stress whatsoever. Please let me know because I want to switch lives with you. But hey we arent that lucky in life are we? No I didn't think so. And does God really help us along with our every day lives. I think maybe he has a lot do with how our days and weeks turn out.

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