Thursday, August 16, 2007

Where are you God?

Where is God now? That is such a good question for all. The conclusion I came to is this:

The Bible teaches that God reigns over all the nations from His holy throne in heaven. The scripture also makes it very clear that our God is omnipresent. In fact, there are several examples throughout the bible that prove His omniprescence. Nothing is Hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid before Him. So I am guessing that the real question is, "Exactly how far away is our God?" I am exactly 100% on that one. Because I can't decipher Gods' Uniqueness right now. But yet again the bible also teaches that if you are believer, God is with you always. He is in you and beside you. Gods' prescence and very watchful eye actually never stray away from. Unlike us. Here comes the big "F" word. Faith. I know that have little faith in God that all of this seems so uncomprehensible. But it is comprehensible. God is a God a love and His love is unfailing. No matter how much we struggle with our faith or our walk with Him. He will always be there for us when we finally finish struggling. The struggle of faith almost seems to be neverending. But if we don't let go of the fear. The struggle will not disintegrate. There is no easy way to know what faith is......there was no manual given to me. So I have no idea what it is. No difinitive answer. So again, How does one individual increase their faith in God? 1 Corinthians 4:7 says, "Do not boast as if you have received nothing." Hebrews 13:5 goes on to say, :Be content with the things that you already possess. He will never leave nor forsake you." Beginning the faith journey requires immersing ourselves in His holy word. But first we must learn His love, His might His justice, and His plan in order for us to gain any success in this world. Basically you allow your roots to grow down in Him and drown up nourishment so that you may grow in faith. If you trust in God, you will surely grow. We must first learn to step out in faith , move out of our comfort zone and the risks of life. 1 Peter 1:7 says, "He will use trials to test our faith and make us stronger christians. We will be given much honour if we can stand strong and endure the battle and not waiver."
God IS out there, we just have to weave through this meesy world and find Him. Kind of like "WHERE IS WALDO?" Replace the phrase, "WHERE IS GOD?" Can you find Him? I think you could if you had enough faith.


1 comment:

Gigi said...

I really enjoy your writings....please more of your journey...