Monday, April 11, 2005

Dogs Suck

So what a random topic well tonight I was over at a friends house. The unthinkable happened. Her dog actually chewed up my phone. I was not a happy camper. I was quite angry. But then you ask why would you leave a phone in a dogs reach. Only an idiot. Well I guess that would be me. So anyways lesson learned here for anyone who has dogs. They eat everything, pick up your junk. Enough with dogs, they make me want to hate them which I don't. They really are adorable if you get the right breed. If you get a hound dog they really like phones I wouldn't suggest them. As for the rest of them, I guess they are okay.
So I thought about going back to school this summer. Well I'm not so sure about it anymore. I'm not sure I want to go back ever. Just the kind of downhill slump I'm in right now. No parents to help me out financially with school. No my parents just think they're cool but I hate to break it to them they really do suck ass. They think they have provided for me, they just clothed and housed me. They think they educated me, nope my teachers did. They think the world of me, I don't believe them for one minute. Well I guess you can say I officially hate my parents for the life they gave me. Although it was a pretty good one, I guess. I was raised in a christian home. Went to church every freaking Sunday. Man I got tired of that. Supposedly accepted Christ when I was eight woohoo. I don't think I did. SO pray for me on that one. In fact pray for me alto gether. I love you people of the world. Keep in touch, my life is a down hill spiral right now.

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