Friday, April 27, 2007

Mad at the internet!!

When you do not have any internet that will drive you to a crazy person. Last night I did just that. I was a crazy person. Not knowing what to do because I spend the majority of my time on the internet and not doing more productive things. But why. Why don't I do something more run or run or run. Thats all I can come up with. We didn't have the kids last nite so I couldn't play with them. I was saddened. Anyways live outside of the box the internet is just another thing that you do not need to live. thats all folks.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Good God Thoughts!!!

Is being enraged spiritually possible? If it is, I would say that I am quite enraged. Not sure it is healthy to be enraged. I actually have no idea why I am enraged, I just am.

First things first, why did God create us if all He inteneded us to do was to sin? A mistake is that what we all are? Alot of times I find myself wondering about my life in general. Was I a mistake? Really think about it......I was child number 13. That's my lucky number I guess. HA! Anyways, I was born to a woman and man whom could have cared less about me. That sounds like a mistake. I was then placed in child protective services at 8 months........yet again that sounds like another mistake. I was adopted by the people whom I call mommy and daddy.......for once not a mistake. I grew up had lots of opportunities to become a better person than my biiological parents. Yet I blew every one of those opportunities. So to me I feel like an absurd waste of the human race. Are we just a mistake or opportunity waiting to occur?

John Ortberg summary......Let me know what you think............

God designed us to please Him. To honor Him in everything that we do. Which leads me to say that we must align ourselves with God in order to live a pleasing life. Make everyday life extraordinary by aligning yourself with God. When we align ourselves with Him we then becomes the vessel of God. Cruising along in life with God. Imagine being on this ship with God and adding passengers as you cruise with God. That is really what we were intended to do. By our actions, I believe that we then begin to make our God smile from the heavens above.

When is your day supposed to begin? I beleive now that it is at night. It clearly states it in Genesis 1:5---"God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. I t kind of reminded me that when I do go to sleep, my night/ day is just beginning. However, it also reminded me that my God never sleeps. He is always awake while I am sleeping and always awake while I am awake. In Mark 4:27 it says, "night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how." God will show me how to do so no matter how much I wish not to sprout.

Ride your life like a wave. If you fall off of your surf board, get back on and try again. Just remember ther will always be another wave following. No matter the circumstance or opportunity in life there will always be another opportunity waiting for you. It may not be the one you thought it would be........but it would be something similar to it. Live life with God not against Him. It's not healthy......Live life as if a gift...cherish the moments.....remember it is another wave from God.