Saturday, January 14, 2006


how much car trouble can any one family have in a year??
well already one car totalled and one in the shop to be totalled and another in the shop to get fixed from engine trouble.
Bummer for us!! it will get better.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Welcome Home

Welcome is what we all say when you come home from a long trip. Well I feel like I have been gone forever from blogger world and feels so nice to be home. Bolgger is my mom and dad. Reason being is it listen and doen't talk back ad doesn't question your actions. You also can say whatever you would like. So nice to be home again.
Tenille I don't have a job anymore, I can't seem to shut my mouth. But i wasn't necesarlily cursing. Just the tone I was using. I am currently looking for a job and a car at the same time. Since I last spoke to you I lost my job and car and it feels like I have lost my life. I no longer have control over it. I need help and i know that but i refuse to talk to other people. Sounds like a personal problem.
By the way persons how did we roll in the new year so to say. I had an allright one i spent new years looking my father. I give up he doesn't care. But my heavenly father cares and that is all that matters now. My dad looks like me and evidentally acts like me a idiot who cares about only themselves accordingly. When do you stop caring about only yourself and start caring about others. Please someone give me a hint. In a sense I care about only myself. I care about my neice and nephew. Yes I said nephew, my little sister is having a boy according to the doctors. I was excited. (offtrack) Anyways I care about friends and my little ones but that would be about it. I care unconditionally about certain individuals who have crossed my paths in the past few years. When they don't speak to me for a few it makes me question life in itself. Life is what you make of it. Live it to your fullest. Don't make a fool of yourself. You only have one life and you can only live it once. So have a joyful life.
What else is there.................................... I am not too sure I am about all rambled out. Hope enjoyed my brain ramblings. Peace out.